Day 1

I want to run a half marathon.

It's been a goal of mine for a long time, but I've never managed to get all the way there. I've run really long training runs (10+ miles), trained for months at a time, and even registered (and paid, ugh) for a half marathon I didn't run. However, I've never managed to check that box.

Despite my best intentions, there are two things that have consistently stopped me from reaching my goal.

#1. Injury. I've struggled with back pain, leg pain, knee pain, foot pain... the list goes on. I've spent countless hours in PT, acupuncture, chiropractor appointments, and sports massage.

#2. Time. I am a workaholic. 50 hours is a light week, 60 hours is a normal week, and 70 hours is not uncommon for me. When things get busy with work, I put my self-care on the back burner. Running and exercise are usually the first things to go.

While I would like to say that these two things are easy, surface level problems I can correct, I think they are both rooted in deeper issues...

I over do it.
I over-extend myself, give to my own detriment, and seek perfection... always. It's something I've worked on for most of my adult life, but I have only started to see inklings of progress in the last year or so. This tendency to over-do has led to a lot of my injuries...over-use injuries, too much too fast, etc. Ironically, it's also the reason I run out of time. I over-commit my schedule, take on too much at work and at home, and neglect to set aside time for me.

I'm impatient.
Patience, simply put, is not my virtue. I want to make things happen as fast as possible. And yet, I know this leads to a lot of unnecessary stress in my life. I also know that there is so much value to embracing the journey.  Lack of patience is often what gets me in the beginning- it's hard to make myself run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute when I just want to push and go for an hour long run.

A big one for me. I have been recognizing more and more how skeptical I am and how difficult it is for me to trust others. I have no idea where this comes from, but I think it plays a really big role in my life. When it comes to running, I feel like I am always living in fear of the next injury. I have to trust that if I go slow, it will be okay. I also have to have enough trust to let others in on my goals- to share my journey without fear of judgement or disappointing them. Hence- this blog.

So, here we are. Day 1. I'm not sure if I will actually succeed this time, but I am approaching it with a whole new attitude. I am challenging myself to make time, be patient and trust the process.  I know that this journey has something to teach me, and I'm doing my best to open my eyes, ears, and heart to whatever comes my way.

Today's run is 35 minutes. 3 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, repeat.


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