Day 2

Good news.

My first run was a success. Sunshine, mountains, I stuck to the run/walk...  I feel so clear that this is exactly what I'm meant to be doing right now. It's actually kind of amazing to me, as clarity is not something I experience very often in life.  I just know this is about more than the half marathon, and I am so excited to read my Day 120 post to see how far I've come.

Bad news.

I have a pulled hamstring and can't run for at least the rest of the week. (insert face-palm). That was quick, huh?

Long story short, I felt something twinge behind my knee last week playing tennis, and it really flared up after my run. I was worried it was my knee (still a little worried it's my knee...), but the doc thinks it's a pulled hamstring. So, ice, rest, repeat is my workout for the next couple days.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I'm choosing to look at this for what it is: a minor delay. And, I'm hoping that with a few days of low-impact exercise and ice, I'll be back at it in no time.  Did I mention I'm working on practicing patience?

Fortunately, today's workout is one hour of cross training. So, I plan to hit the gym for some elliptical, ab work and upper body strength.


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